First Families and Descendents of Little Walkers Creek Information
on the families of Little Walkers Creek was taken from many sources which include records from the Wythe, Bland, Pulaski Counties
Courthouses, the Wythe, Bland and Pulaski Counties censuses and other various state and county censuses. Family members have
contributed information and many pictures. Birth and death dates are from various Little Walkers Creek Cemeteries. The source
of information will be noted in each specific family. I welcome any comments, additions, corrections or questions. It must be noted that indiscretions
did occur in the past just they do today. Several couples had children before they married. Some women never married but had
several children. Although these are exceptions to the rule, these indiscretions did occur. This book is not written to hide
the truth but to examine the complete history of these families determined from the many County records and censuses. This
book presents the evidence. The final decision is left to the reader.
book is a history of Little Walker’s Creek and the families who lived and died there. Enough information is included
(if the information is available) so the reader can possibly discover a link to the Little Walkers Creek community. I have
not included information about living family members because of privacy issues. All families are listed in alphabetical order.